2022_06_22_ (6).jpg

Juice Shop - Saftladen - order in English, please! Cheers and enjoy!


Wednesdays - down in our school building... it's lunch break time... also our bilingual English tutor groups from grade 5 to 7 stay at school until 4 o' clock then ... so after lunch: it's been juice time at our so-called "Saftladen": you could have ordered a " Cherry Kiss " , a juicy " Vampire's Blood " made of lemonade and raspberry syrup , a " Green Frog " , a " Bananarama " , mixed special drink made of cherry and banana juice and so on ... the atmosphere was great ... aaaand pretty English: everybody could do a quiz with prizes, of course, and there were free posters ( London or Los Angeles - great choice ! ) available to be taken home and / or into the own classroom. Some teachers sponsored vouchers for their students. Even better.
English music made things even smoother to enjoy a nice break in our juice shop area. Our great students activity team (in German: our OM - Team = offene Mittagsfreizeit) which is responsable for organizing and planning events like that during the lunchbreak for fifth and sixth graders did a great job: Thank you, Alicia Joo, Hannah Meisen and Friederike Wallich for all the extra work you did.

[#gallery view:gallery path:/medien/2021-2022/2022_06_22_juiceshop/]

Wird geladen